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Create Your Own Polaroids | DIY

One of the most beautiful things to me is instant photos. There is something magical about the perfect imperfections they portray. They are also wonderful when you want a unique way to display your most treasured photos. I started a collection of polaroid cameras back in my early days of high school and they are so special to me. I recently received an instax mini as well, which I've grown quite fond.

Here's a way to create your most loved photos into faux instant photos. I certainly couldn't expect everyone to own photo shop, so I wanted to find a free editing software that would do the trick for a simple project such as this. Before beginning this project you will need to install Picasa, a free editing software powered by Google. Once you've installed it onto your computer follow these steps....

1. Upload photos onto Picasa. We chose some of our favorite beach photos from our trip to El Salvador.
2. Go to "Collage".
3. Choose the border that resembles a polaroid.
4. Create more!
5. Arrange them in a suitable manner for printing so that they do not overlap one another.
6. Print it! For best results use photo copy paper or thick card stock.
7. Once it's printed, carefully cut out each photo.

 All done! Now, I know this never beats the real thing, but it's a quirky little way to show off your favorite memories, don't you think? :]
Find a pretty wall to display them in your home. We have all of our favorite instax photos lined 5 x 5 with a big gold frame around them. What are some of the ways you display your instant photos? I would love to hear! xx


  1. This is a great idea! Always wanted to find a solution like this! Thanks so much for making it :D

  2. This is such a great idea. Perfect for a scrapbook of a certain vacation or event.


  3. Thanks for sharing!


    Check out my blog:

  4. Very cute! I'll be making a few to display at my desk!

    P.S. If you ever want to do more complicated photo editing tutorials, GIMP is a great free program with as much capability as Photoshop! I absolutely love it.

    motu viget

  5. Great idea! I can't find that option on my Picasa version that I just uploaded! Frustration is upon me! Maybe it is because I has to download the French version (yes I'm reading you from France :D)
    I'll try later! Thanks for the tip

  6. oh goodness yes!! this is so cool! love it :))
    -jocee <3

  7. Yes yes yes. ♥ Thank you so much!

  8. you're awesome! i love everything you post!

  9. Such a good idea, I'm going to have to give this a go!
    Alex ~lifeafter20

  10. There's also an app to apply a polaroid app on Camera+ for the iphone. If you use the borders section you can pick from a range. That said, I've never tried to print them but I imagine it should work just fine. Rx

  11. I'm trying this out!!!

  12. When I want to do this, I always use Poladroid, is a great and free (and super friendly) application that you can download to your computer. This is the link to their website:

  13. Love this! I'm definitely doing to do this soon. Polaroids are one of my favorite things. Thanks for this DIY! :)

  14. Awesome! Can't wait to try it. Thanks for showing with free software, so we can all try :)

  15. Oh man! I love this. Thank you. I plan on creating these and adding magnets on the back to put on my fridge. Another good idea is to create a bunch of photos of you and your man and display them on some string (like bunting) at an event (wedding, shower, party, etc.) :)

  16. Love love LOVE Polaroids! Thanks for the great idea. I'm absolutely going to try this. :)

  17. this is such a cute idea! Polaroids are my favorite.

  18. This is such an adorable idea! It would be so great for making a photo wall or something.

  19. Love this idea! Totally going to try this!

  20. These are so much more practical as well. Polaroid film is really expensive!
    I'm gonna try this idea out, using the photos from my blog:
    Thanks! xoxo.

  21. This is lovely! I actually made a couple of Polaroid-style photos for V-day. I used Picnik and just had the photos printed. In the process of piecing them together for wall art. :)

  22. This is lovely! I just made a couple of Polaroid-style pics for V-day. I used Picnik though. Then I had them printed, and I'm now in the process of piecing them together for a hanging wall art. :)

  23. I absolutely LOVE this idea!
    You've inspired me to make this and share it on my blog :)


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