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Oh, Deer.

"The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference."

This statement has been on mind and heart for the past couple of weeks. Looking back on my life and the lives of those around me, I can't help but find this to be true. This statement has completely altered how I view my relationship with God, my husband, family, friends, and mere acquaintances. I've since been aware of guarding my heart from not just frustration or anger, but indifference. I think sometimes life's busyness can distract us to where we become complacent and indifferent towards the the things we once loved most. When we might notice a negative feeling towards something we're passionate about, it's a lot less noticeable and a lot more devastating when a feeling of indifference slips into our relationships, goals and passions. We start lacking communication, dedication, and begin to have an unwillingness to sacrifice time, effort, advice, and love. Josh and I have been talking about making 2013 the year we make our main focus relationships with each other and those around us. To not feel indifferent towards, but genuinely love everyone we encounter.

I also want to thank my dear readers for always reading, responding, and chiming in on posts like this. As much as I love fashion, what I love more is getting a chance to share what's on my heart and mind with folks around the world. That's pretty extraordinary in my opinion.

Oh, I finally got a sweater with a deer on it. My closet is happier now than it was before.

Outfit Details: Sweater, c/o Chicwish // Necklace, c/o Moorea Seal // Boots, Thrifted // Socks, stolen from le husband; shhh // Leggings, XXI


  1. First of all, I love your new reindeer sweater, I think I need one for my closet too! ha!
    And Wow. I really couldn't agree with you more. I have never really thought of it like that, but really it is so true. We are all more prone to be indifferent than we are to really love or hate. I've been guilty of that when it comes to relationships as well. Thank you for such a new perspective!

  2. I adore your sweater! It's so adorable + oh so perfect for the winter!! You inspire me darling! Thanks!
    xx, sweet bird
    xx, sweet bird

  3. Oh these are some of my favorite photos of you - so raw and beautiful!

    xo Jennifer

  4. I really appreciate how you combine your outfit posts with deep insights and sharing your heart! It’s something I’m still figuring out how to incorporate into my blog without turning people off. Thanks for sharing!

    Loverly She

  5. I love your style of writing and these are great words. I hope you and Josh stick with your goal in 2013 and I think it is a good message to everyone.

    Almost Endearing

  6. First of all, I love that sweater. Second of all, I really love what you said, about not feeling indifferent but genuinely loving everyone you meet. I feel that when I meet new people, I am indifferent and even sometimes forgetful of their name and I hate that about myself more than anything. I mean, could I be any more rude? I love the idea of meeting new people and feeling genuine love towards them, even if they're new in your life. You just never know right? It's a perfect goal for the year.

  7. I love that deer sweater! That collar is a really unique touch.

    2ndhand Knowledge

  8. Thanks for sharing your was much needed encouragement to fight apathy. Indifference is a scary thing, especially in spiritual matters.


  9. Love how you styled your hair!

  10. I love this outfit, so pretty!!! Deers are fascinating animals, if you ask me! I'm a social person, however I draw on people's energy very easily. I've thought for some time that I am an empath. Put me around someone, even in blog form, and I can begin thinking like them, acting like them, etc. Because of this, if I read x amount of posts about say... I don't know, something I'm not really interested in, I begin ignoring my most loved hobbies. I know this isn't really what your post is about, but it's very much what I thought of when I read your words. I'll end my rambling now. ;)

  11. I love the necklace!
    & everything that you've mentioned has been the topic of my church's 10 days :o, this is honestly just confirmation..
    Thank you!

  12. I love this quote - so true, yet so convicting!


  13. This is a lovely post. I think you have set an amazing goal for this year and I am going to add this quote to my bulletin board as a daily reminder of what is important. Thank you for sharing this.


  14. Goodness! I love that sweater! Also your hair is beautiful! Thank you for this post, the quote really hit me, wow. It is seriously so true. It certainly makes me see things differently.

    Juliette Laura

  15. What a beautiful & true quote! Something to definitely think about!

    Thanks for allowing me to read your lovely blog!! :)

  16. Thank you for sharing this! Very inspiring and true! Definintly joining you and your husband on this journey and sharing my love with others in a genuine way.


  17. I wanted to be able to meet you! I love your new sweater, haha. It was made just for you >_<

  18. I have this sweater and love it. Looks beautiful on you!!


  19. what i find interesting is that when there is something in our lives that we may feel indifferent towards, or in other words, forgot how much they meant to us (be it a loved one, a hobby, etc) when we are in a situation where we fear we may lose said thing, we suddenly become afraid and realize all that we actually feel about it. wow that was convoluted. basically we remind ourselves how much we love things by almost losing them.
    It helps me to think about how much i would miss something if it was gone when i feel im feeling indifferent to it.

    great photos, as always. and good luck with 2013!

  20. I was just thinking today that I want to set an intention to ensuring 2013 is a less selfish year for me; I want it to be a year of friendships and love. I want to spend my free time traveling- not to exotic locations, but to places where my loved ones are, so I can spend time with those people and nurture those beloved relationships that I may have started to feel/act indifferent towards. Starting in two weeks! I'm going to Brooklyn to spend a week with my best friend!! Thanks for sharing your thoughtful ponderings.
    xo, Lindsay

  21. That is such a thought provoking quote. I've often found that God likes to work on areas I find myself "indifferent" to.

  22. This quote makes so much sense. Someone once told me that hate is better than indifference, because hate means that you still care about sbd/sth (it's "active" emotions so to speak even if a negative one). While indifference means you feel nothing at all.

    Ps. LOVE the sweater, I have been hunting for the perfect (rein)deer sweater for ages now, but with no positive outcome, yet.


  23. Could you be prettier, outside and inside?



  24. Wow, the idea of indifference towards the ones/things we love most is something I can see I have done in my life and definitely work on. I have lately become more aware of how important our interactions with others are. It is our chance to show who we are, we are representing ourselves. I'm choosing to represent myself better and be PRESENT! My word of 2013. PS, hi! First time posting. I've been reading your blog for a while. My sister introduced me!

  25. I just love the deer prints! Beautiful. And your photographs are lovely as always. I love the aesthetic of your blog!

  26. You look beautiful.

    i've known that quote for years. it actually kind of screwed me up for a while because I didn't think about ME being indifferent, but about others being indifferent towards me. And I didn't like people not caring at all! It took me a while to understand that's not REALLY what it is... And that I shouldn't be focusing so much about others but about myself. Trying to be less indifferent MYSELF.

    Anyway, great post, great words... Cheers from Paris!
    Valentina Duracinsky

  27. that quote really hit me in high school, and it's definitely the truth. when you don't feel passionate about something (love or hatred) that's when it gets bad and it can be so hard to notice.

  28. i think it's safe to say, that we as readers love these posts too:) you're a beautiful writer and share beautiful words, keep it up!!! :)

  29. Your hair and outfit is so cute! I personally adore these types of posts from you. You're so right. I don't "hate" barely anyone. In fact I think I can say honestly I don't hate anybody. But I treat a lot of people, even those super close to me, with indifference a lot. I need to work on this. Thanks for sharing! xx | Natalia.

  30. Such a new perspective! I really couldn't agree with you more. Never too late to get a life better and it's such a good time for a change. I love you always!
    Have a good day x

  31. Your deer sweater and your top knot are perfect. :) Also, thanks for the encouragement to make a real, solid effort to love. It's harder than it sounds, sometimes.

  32. Thanks for your blog! I love reading it!

  33. that is such a sweet sweater!

  34. I love this outfit! It looks so cozy and wonderful. That sweater is super cute too.

  35. HUGE insight you have here. I've been on a similar journey in realizing what I want for the new year.
    It's an amazing thing that the more we live the more we realize we need each other. so so much.
    I'm learning that to truly live with that at the forefront of your mind, you need intentionality.
    Goodbye indifference, HELLO Intentionality.

  36. This is such a great reminder, I think it is a unique and wonderful thing to truly love or find joy in loving others, even in our indifferences. So beautiful, I love this post!

  37. I appreciate you a lot. Thanks so much for sharing what's on your heart! it's encouraging to me. xo

  38. Just lovely!


  39. Thanks for this insight Kinsey, it's so true! And something I will be keeping an eye out for too, it's so easy to slip into an indifferent state while the emotional state of loving is so much more enriching...

    xx Eelke

  40. This makes total sense!!! Love and Hate are so strongly related by passion! Once the passion is gone, I feel like it's even lost hope; it's just nothing. Thank you for the inspiration!

  41. Indifference is definitely something i struggle with and i'm really glad you posted this. It was just what i needed to hear, especially coming from a fellow christian. Thanks for all the great insightful post, it makes you blog awesome and unique. Hope your day is wonderful!


    p.s. i love the sweater!

  42. Oh, that's so true! Sometimes i find myself being apathetic instead of actively loving the people around me. Maybe that is some of what Jesus is talking about when he says not to be lukewarm...

  43. love your shots!!
    Nice to know your opinion about my brand new blog!! :))

  44. The jumper is adorable! :)

    That's a really interesting thought. I think it's very true and in a lot of ways, it's probably better to feel negative towards something and then try to work through that, than to just shut it out.

  45. Thank you for sharing, this type of post are the ones I enjoy the most :)
    It's so easy to shut others out instead of making the effort to love them.
    Much love & God bless

  46. 1. this is exactly (exactly, exactly) what i needed to read today. thank you so much. i feel like i've been needing to remind myself lately to not just be generous with people when i'm interacting with them, but to remember them in the first place. to remember them when i'm not standing right next to them. at church the other day, someone said that we need to be be praying for others all day, every day. i thought that was so beautiful, and had such a pure, christ-like sentiment. i thought: what if i treated every moment i spend today like a prayer? can i put that much attention & love into everything i do today -- every photo i edit, every room i clean? and in the more literal sense too -- can i carve out some time in my day to really pray for someone who needs it? it's the most amazing, validating love from God when we see those quiet prayers answered, for someone else.
    2. also: you are the most beautiful, kinsey. inside & out.

  47. needed this so much today. love over indifference, always. thank you


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